Lucia Gašparovičová a Matej Bezúch: Metals
exhibition opening
Monday 24. 3. 2014, 5.00pm, Plusmínusnula Gallery
B side
How did the story begin?
We were in Amsterdam last year, with a jewellery projectcalled The
SlowaaksJuweleenteam, as a part of the SieraadJewellery International Art Fair.
As we entered thisRecycling Bike Store we were immediately touched by its
atmosphere and details of the space. Shelves, recycled components, oil smell…We
realized it could be the perfect place for our exhibition during the B-side Down
Town Art JewelleryFestival 2012,which is an interesting platform for young jewellery
makers to show their work in unusual non-gallery spacesaround the city.
ŠPERK STRET 2012 will be taking place from 10th till 12th October ***Lectures from 11th – 12th October / YOU ARE ALL WELCOME! **** The contemporary jewellery conference SPERK STRET is a platform organized by the Metal and Jewellery studio of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.
Autorský vianočný trh II
Druhý ročník autorského vianočného trhu je predajná výstava umeleckých diel výtvarníkov mladej generácie, organizovaná galériou HotDock. Cieľom tejto akcie je spropagovať mladé umenie širšiemu publiku, ako aj rozšíriť kultúrne povedomie verejnosti, ktorá bežne s takouto kvalitou diel neprichádza do kontaktu.
Výstava je otvorená od 10.12 - 18.12 2011 denne od 11:00 - 21:00 hod, v alternatívnom priestore galérie na Laurinskej ulici číslo 7 v Bratislave.
vystavujúci autori:
1st floor:
Lucia Bartková
Ján Gašparovič
Ašot Haas
Simona Janišová
Silvia Jokelová
1st floor:
Lucia Bartková
Ján Gašparovič
Ašot Haas
Simona Janišová
Silvia Jokelová
Ján Kekeli
Daniel Piršč
Daniel Piršč
Pavol Prekop
Erik Šille
2nd floor:
Katarína Beličková
Martin BU
David Demjanovič a Jarmila Mitríkova
Andrea Ďurianová
Lucia Gašparovičová
Ján Michalisko
Štefan Nosko
Rudolf Rusňak
Tomaš Roubal
Katarína Sipocova
Erik Šille
2nd floor:
Katarína Beličková
Martin BU
David Demjanovič a Jarmila Mitríkova
Andrea Ďurianová
Lucia Gašparovičová
Ján Michalisko
Štefan Nosko
Rudolf Rusňak
Tomaš Roubal
Katarína Sipocova
Linda Viková